Buy Clenbuterol Online - Clen For Weight Loss & Bodybuilding
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a powerful bronchodilator that is used to treat respiratory diseases.
In addition to its properties to treat respiratory diseases, Clen is very popular in sports as effective product for burning subcutaneous fat and weight loss. For a long time, Clenbuterol has been a favorite thermogenic agent, both among fitness enthusiasts and many bodybuilders.
Clenbuterol for weight loss is proven among professional athletes in many countries as a reliable product for burning body fat and building lean muscle mass. Clen results are compared to the results from anabolic steroids. It is very effective product. Of course, it's not a magic weight loss pill, you need to do proper diet, and you will burn fat and lose weight even faster.
Clenbuterol for bodybuilding
The use of clenbuterol has a huge impact on the bodybuilder's ability to burn calories. Clen increases temperature through thermogenesis.
Clen functions
Clenbuterol has an effect on the sympathomimetic nervous system, where several receptors are located through which Clenbuterol performs its function. These receptors are the beta-2 receptors that Clenbuterol stimulates and through which stimulation improves breathing. By stimulating beta-2 receptors, Clen also achieves a metabolic stimulating effect. Clenbuterol does not directly stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat, but increases basal metabolism by raising body temperature.
Effects of Clenbuterol use
Used in the treatment of patients with asthma, the effect of Clen is very simple — it dilates the airways and thus helps patients to breathe easier.
As a thermogenic agent, the effects of Clenbuterol are again very simple. It raises body temperature by stimulating beta-2 receptors, which leads to an increase in metabolism, which in turn leads to increased calorie burning.
Of course, Clenbuterol is not a magic pill and in order to achieve the optimal effect of its use you need to follow a proper diet and exercise.
Recommended dosage
Taking clenbuterol is usually dosed at 20 mcg/day, and sometimes this dose can reach 40 mcg/day. Some patients may need to use an even higher dosage, but this is usually rare and for very short periods of time.
There are several basic Clenbuterol regimens:
Two-Week Rotation
One of the most commonly used dosing regimens, in which Clen is used for a period of 2 weeks, after which its use is stopped for 1 week. In this regimen, the dose of Clenbuterol is increased on a regular basis until it reaches a maximum and optimal for the individual, at which point it is maintained until you stop taking it.
Here is an example of a Clen cycle:
You take Clenbuterol before training:
The current example is with Clen from Sopharma. 1 tablet of Sopharma Clenbuterol is equal to 20 mcg / 0.02 mg.
- For 2 weeks you take 2 tablets (40 mcg / 0.04 mg) before training. After that you take a break for 1 week.
- Then again 2 weeks you take 3 tablets (60 mcg / 0.06 mg) before training. After that take a break for 1 week.
- Then again 2 weeks you take 4 tablets (80 mcg / 0.08 mg) before training. After that take a break for 1 week.
- Then again 2 weeks you take 4 tablets (80 mcg / 0.08 mg) before training. After that take a break for 1 week.
You can continue to take 4 tablets (80 mcg / 0.08 mg) before training until you stop taking Clenbuterol.
But the scheme is like this: you take it 2 weeks before training and then you need to rest from Clenbuterol for 1 week, then you can use it again for 2 weeks and then rest again for 1 week.
You can take a maximum of 4 tablets (80 mcg / 0.08 mg) at once. The use of Clenbuterol should not exceed 16 weeks per year.
Progressive dosage
Clenbuterol intake is started at 20 mcg/day and increased periodically until the maximum desired dose is reached, which is maintained for a period of 7-14 days.
This Clenbuterol regimen usually lasts 4-6 weeks.
The maximum recommended dose of Clenbuterol is 120 mcg/day. Under no circumstances should you exceed a dose of 120 mcg/day if you want to avoid possible heart problems. Also, the use of Clenbuterol should not exceed 16 weeks per year.
Side effects
There are several possible side effects of using Clen. These side effects can be quite unpleasant and generally affect everyone who uses it, in one way or another. Most often they are expressed in nervousness, tremor in the hands and increased sweating, as they are most pronounced in the first few days of intake and subside afterwards.
It should be noted that although the initial stimulant effect of Clenbuterol and its side effects decreases relatively rapidly, its effect on subcutaneous fat burning remains strong.
In addition to these side effects, the use of Clen can be expected and others, such as headaches, nausea, insomnia and perhaps the most unpleasant — muscle cramps. To avoid the appearance of muscle cramps, it is important to hydrate well and in some cases it is appropriate to take Taurine as a dietary supplement.
The use of Clen is also associated with some potentially dangerous side effects, which we must pay attention to and which in most cases are associated with extremely high doses and improper use of the drug. Such effects are high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, panic and cardiac hypertrophy.
How fast does clenbuterol work?
Clenbuterol begins to work quickly and you should notice a stimulating effect immediately. Fat loss will be seen within 2 or 3 weeks.
Can you get clenbuterol over the counter?
Clen can be purchased online, and it is free of prescription. This product will help provide rapid results within a few days.
Clen is a real salvation for the athlete, who wants to quickly and efficiently cope with excess subcutaneous fat. In the shortest time, the product eliminates what the athlete "saved up" for years.
The high demand for the substance is due to its positive characteristics, a minimum of side effects when taken correctly and affordable price. This is a unique product, which can be recommended to to both novice bodybuilders and experienced professionals in the world of big sports.
Not a single customer left unsatisfied because for a small amount of money they received quality service and an original product from one of the world's best manufacturers.