Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Oxymetholone
Trade Name: AD-25 Anadrol AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: OxymetholoneManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: OralPackage Contains: 100 tabs x 25 mg100% Original Product..
53 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Oxandrolone
Trade Name: AV-10 Anavar Active Ingredient: OxandroloneManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: OralPackage Contains: 100 tabs x 10 mg100% Original Product..
60 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Boldenone Undecylenate
Trade Name: BD-200 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Boldenone UndecylenateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10 amps x 200mg100% Original Product..
46 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Methandienone
Trade Name: DB-10 DianabolActive Ingredient: MethandienoneManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: OralPackage Contains: 100 tabs x 10 mg100% Original Product..
34 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Drostanolone Propionate
Trade Name: DP-100 Masteron AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Drostanolone PropionateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10 amps x 100mg100% Original Product..
53 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Fluoxymesterone
Trade Name: HT-5 HalotestinActive Ingredient: FluoxymesteroneManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: OralPackage Contains: 100 tabs x 5 mg100% Original Product..
64 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Nandrolone Decanoate
Trade Name: ND-250 DecaActive Ingredient: Nandrolone DecanoateManufacturer: AVVA Labs Steroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 250mg100% Original Product..
49 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Trade Name: NPP-100 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Nandrolone PhenylpropionateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10 amps x 100mg100% Original Product..
44 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Tren Hexa
Trade Name: PB-76 Parabolan AVVA Labs / Tren Hexa / HexabolanActive Ingredient: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 76mg100% Original Product..
64 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Methenolone Enanthate
Trade Name: PR-100 PrimobolanActive Ingredient: Methenolone EnanthateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 100mg100% Original Product..
63 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Stanozolol
Trade Name: SZ-10 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: StanozololManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: OralPackage Contains: 100 tabs x 10 mg100% Original Product..
34 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: tbol
Trade Name: TB-10 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: ChlorodehydromethyltestosteroneManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: OralPackage Contains: 100 tabs x 10 mg100% Original Product..
44 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Testosterone Cypionate
Trade Name: TC-250 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate (Depo-Testosterone)Manufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 250mg100% Original Product..
45 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Testosterone Enanthate
Trade Name: TE-250 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Testosterone EnanthateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 250mg100% Original Product..
45 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Testo Mix
Trade Name: TM-250 Sustanon AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate - 30mgTestosterone Phenylpropionate - 60mgTestosterone Isocaproate - 60mgTestosterone Decanoate - 100mgManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 250mg100% Original..
45 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Testosterone Propionate
Trade Name: TP-100 AVVA Labs Active Ingredient: Testosterone PropionateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 100mg100% Original Product..
43 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Trenbolone Acetate
Trade Name: TRA-100 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Trenbolone AcetateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 100mg100% Original Product..
54 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Trenbolone Enanthate
Trade Name: TRE-200 AVVA LabsActive Ingredient: Trenbolone EnanthateManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 200mg100% Original Product..
59 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Trenbolone Mix
Trade Name: TRM-150 AVVA Labs Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Acetate - 50mgTrenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 50mgTrenbolone Enanthate - 50mgManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 150mg100% Original Product..
54 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Stanozolol Aqua Suspension
Trade Name: WA-50 AVVA Labs Active Ingredient: Stanozolol Aqua SuspensionManufacturer: AVVA Labs Steroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 50mg100% Original Product..
42 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Test Prop + Mast + Tren A
Trade Name: MIX-1 Cutmix AVVA Labs (Test Prop + Mast + Tren A)Active Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate - 50mgDrostanolone Propionate - 50mgTrenbolone Acetate - 50mgManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 150mg100% Original Product..
62 €
Brand: AVVA Labs
Model: Bold + Test E + Tren E
Trade Name: AVVA Labs MIX-2 Bulkmix (Bold + Test E + Tren E)Active Ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate - 100mgTestosterone Enanthate - 100mgTrenbolone Enanthate - 100mgManufacturer: AVVA LabsSteroid Type: InjectablePackage Contains: 10amps x 300mg100% Original Product..
64 €
Showing 1 to 22 of 22 (1 Pages)