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Rexobol Alpha Pharma (Stanozolol) - 50tabs (50mg/tab)

Rexobol from Alpha-Pharma is a steroid with predominantly anabolic and reduced androgenic activity. The active ingredient, stanozolol, is a dihydrotestosterone derivative, and is one of the most popular anabolic steroids used by athletes for lean muscles, for quality muscle growth, increased endurance and strength.

Rexobol tablets for the athlete

The first preparations of stanozolol, which was a product of Winthrop Laboratories, developed in 1962, were produced for use in medicine and even in veterinary medicine. Very quickly, the steroid spread in sports, where, in contrast to its original purpose, it remains relevant to the present day.

Rexobol, like its direct analogues from other manufacturers, contributes to the effects of gaining lean muscle mass, fat burning, increasing the relief and density of the muscles, the removal of excess fluid, increases endurance and strength potential.

Rexobol from Alpha-Pharma is recommended for most sports disciplines involving intensive physical activity. It is effectively used by athletes from beginners to professionals in bodybuilding, martial arts, athletics and other sports.

At the same time, Rexobol shows practically no side effects if the recommendations are followed: Hepatotoxicity is present, but moderate, and the drug is relatively safe for athletes up to 6-8 weeks; aromatization and estrogenic activity are not inherent, so side effects like fluid retention and gynecomastia are excluded; Severe suppression of testosterone production is usually not observed, unless prolonged abuse is involved.

Probable side effects of Rexobol are increased cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, discomfort and pain in large joints, myocardial hypertrophy, complications due to hepatotoxicity.

Reviews of Rexobol 

Buyers confirm both the visible results of use and the relative safety of the drug. Stanozolol is originally a steroid for medical and veterinary use. At one time, stanozolol was even given FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval for its use in humans.

How to use Rexobol?

For sports purposes, the drug is recommended primarily for men. However, in a reduced dosage so as not to provoke the side effects of virilization, it can also be used by women. For female athletes, doses of 5-10 mg per day are acceptable, possibly somewhat higher if tolerated well.

For athletes, an effective dosage of Rexobol is 20-50 mg per day. On a cycle the tablets of the product are taken daily, since the activity of the substance is 9-24 hours.

Steroid cycle with Rexobol is rarely done solo and is more often combined with other steroid preparations. Depending on your goals, you can get great results with testosterone (from Propionate or Phenylpropionate to ester mixtures, such as Omnadren and Andropen), Nandrolone (from Phenylpropionate to ester mix), Metenolone, Drostanolone, Trenbolone (from Acetate to ester mix), Boldenone, and many other steroids whose use is crucial in sports.

For athletes experienced in the use of sports pharmacology, the effective cycle for lean muscles will be Rexobol and Trenbolon acetate in dosages of 30-50 mg per day and 75-100 mg every other day, respectively. Duration of use is 6-7 weeks and during it you will need to take Dostinex. Mandatory post-course therapy will be Clomiphene citrate for 3 weeks with 50-100 mg per day.

Rexobol price is affordable for our clients and will always remain so. 

Trade Name: 


Active Ingredient: 



Alpha Pharma

Steroid Type: 


Package Contains: 

50 tabs x 50 mg

100% Original Product

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