Strombafort Balkan Pharma (Stanozolol) - 100tabs (10mg/tab)

- Stock: In Stock
- Brand: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
- Model: Stanozolol
Strombafort is a high quality preparation for bodybuilders.
Products of the Moldavian company Balkan Pharma have long been known to many athletes. These are high-quality and effective products, and Strombafort is no exception.
Strombafort is one of the most popular, easy and affordable steroids online. Strombafort, manufactured by Balkan Pharma, is based on the active ingredient Stanozolol. It is a weak androgen and strong anabolic. Its anabolic activity compared to the endogenous male hormone is 320 percent, but its androgenicity is only 30 percent. Like all products of the manufacturing company, strombafort price is very low, and the quality of the drug is excellent, and at the same time it is designed for a wide range of consumers.
- Strombafort effects:
Strombafort (Stanozolol) has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect on the body, and also inhibits the synthesis of corticosteroids. At the same time, thanks to the high anabolic properties, the body dramatically increases the production of protein structures in muscle tissues. The preparation is available in the form of tablets, which is attractive to many athletes, especially to beginners. It should also be noted that the product is versatile. It can be used both to gain weight as part of combined cycles, as well as during weight loss process. Strombafort has a fairly strong fat-burning effect.
A very valuable property of the steroid is the ability to accelerate the delivery of nutrients to the tissues of the body, and retain calcium, which helps to strengthen the bone structure. Strombafort came into the sport several decades ago, and during this period it has shown itself only from the positive side.
Let us note a few main qualities of the anabolic:
- Production of protein structures is accelerated, and as a consequence muscle mass increases
- The load on the joint and ligament apparatus is reduced
- The general efficiency of the body is increased
- Does not put a great strain on the liver
- The time it takes the body to recover from hard training is greatly reduced
- Excess water is eliminated from the body faster, which is essential during drying cycles
-- Instructions on how to take Strombafort:
Most often, Strombafort is used to combat excessive subcutaneous fat deposits. Speaking of how to take Strombafort from Balkan Pharma, it is impossible not to mention the possibility of its use by women. There are very few steroids that would be suitable for the female body and would not cause any side effects. Strombafort is one of such anabolics. Of course, the dosages for woen are lower compared to those used by men.
As we just mentioned, men can take higher doses of Strombafort compared to women. The recommended and safe doses for them are in the range of 10 to 50 milligrams. Since the half-life of strombafort is short, it should be taken daily. Considering that the product comes in tablet form, it is quite simple. The average duration of a Strombafort solo cycle is a month and a half.
- Combined and solo Strombafort courses:
Although Strombafort can also be used solo, the best way to use it is still combined courses. Due to its combinability, the product can be used in conjunction with any steroids. This opens up a wide range of experimental possibilities for athletes.
Good results can be obtained from the combination of Strombofort with Turinabol. If you decide to conduct such a course, then use Strombofort daily in a dose of 40 milligrams and Turinabol - 200 milligrams in seven days.
You can also combine Strombafort with Testosterone esters.
Trade Name:
Active Ingredient:
Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Steroid Type:
Package Contains:
100 tabs x 10 mg
100% Original Product